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Geoff Huffer made his return

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작성자 Louie 작성일 24-12-29 09:13 조회 4 댓글 0


Geoff Huffer made his return last week in the Aqueduct race, having been out of the racing grounds for several years now, since the federation of horse racing in Britain banned him for Jackpot Bet Online competing, participating, or attending any horse race in their country. After the mistakes that Geoff has done, the mighty coach is finally on the racing grounds again. This time as the coach of the famous El Kabeir who managed to win his first race under the new coach and enjoying a special comeback for Jackpot Bet Online him to the ground from injury, and for Jackpot Bet Online his coach from suspension.

Best-Mobile-Casinos-in-Ireland-1536x878.jpgThe race that was held in Aqueduct Racetrack grabbed many people’s attention, like any other holyday race. The seats that are made for the spectators were full; there were people standing on their feet and people jumping to see how the race was going.

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