Ex-Raptors F Jontay Porter's alleged betting accomplice arrested > 자유게시판

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Ex-Raptors F Jontay Porter's alleged betting accomplice arrested

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작성자 Dirk
댓글 0건 조회 2회 작성일 24-07-06 00:43


A New York man was arrested on suspicion of placing bets on Jontay Porter in games that the Toronto Raptors forward was attempting to lose as part of a sports betting scheme, federal prosecutors said Tuesday. Long Phi "Bruce" Pham, a 38-year-old from Brooklyn, was taken into custody on Monday after being stopped at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. He reportedly was about to take a one-way flight to Australia before authorities detained him and charged him with conspiring to defraud a sports betting company.

Porter, 24, received a lifetime ban from the NBA in April for "disclosing confidential information to sports bettors, limiting his own participation in one or more games for betting purposes and betting on NBA games." Porter supposedly owed Pham and three others large sums of money because of sports betting losses, and the co-conspirators told Porter that he could rid himself of those debts by leaving games early to ensure that prop bets -- on him -- cashed.

The three other co-conspirators have not yet been apprehended. Federal prosecutors said that Pham knew Porter was going to come out of Toronto's game against the Los Angeles Clippers on Jan. 26, leading him to place bets related to Porter's performance that were sure to hit. Porter played four minutes and didn't score, exiting due to what he said was an eye injury. Pham and the three suspects that are still on the loose made over $1 million in profit, according to the United States Attorney's Office.

Bets were also made on Porter for a March 20 game against the Sacramento Kings, a contest that Pham and the co-conspirators reportedly wagered on at a casino in Atlantic City, hantu slot - http://arti.ru/ - N.J. Porter left that contest after three scoreless minutes, citing an illness. --Field Level Media


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